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A Place to Find the Essential Products

Sheinberg Tool Co., Inc. understands the importance of maintaining a well-operating facility or workspace. To help you accomplish this, we offer a comprehensive range of maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) products to keep your projects and tasks running smoothly and efficiently.

Vacuum Cleaner at Parking Lot at Car Wash

Maintenance, Repair, and Operations

For facilities and site maintenance, you’ll find everything from shovels and rakes for groundwork to essential cleaning equipment like shop vacs and brooms. Whether you’re tidying up a work site or conducting regular maintenance, we have the tools you need.

  • Shovels
  • Rakes
  • Wet & Dry Vacs
  • Absorb-N-Dry
  • Quick Dry
  • Scrapers
  • Knives
  • Markers
  • Shop Towels

Brands We Carry

hand uses silicone adhesive with adhesive to connect the mirror with aluminum

Industrial Coatings, Lubricants, and Adhesives

We provide a variety of industrial coatings to protect and maintain your equipment. These include specialty products to keep equipment working smoothly or help a job move along to prevent downtime caused by unexpected conditions.

  • Cleaners
  • Anti-Seize
  • Brushes
  • Lubricants
  • Penetrants
  • Degreasers, Grease, & Grease Guns
  • Spray Gun & Spray Paint
  • Leak detectors
  • Rollers
  • Rust Inhibitors
  • Sealants (thread, pipe, P.T.F.E., and silicone)
  • Cutting Fluids, Tapping Fluids
  • NDT Chemicals
  • Super Glues
  • Adhesives
  • Solvents (thinner, xylene, M.E.K., acetone, kerosene, denatured alcohol)

Brands We Carry

man putting up tape in a warehouse

Safety and Security

Prioritize the well-being of your team with our range of safety and security products. We ensure you’re prepared for any safety requirements in the shop or on the job site. Be smart and work safely.

  • Caution Tape
  • Cones
  • Cooling
  • Padlocks
  • Vests
  • Safety Cans
  • Fall & Fire Protection
  • First Aid Kits
  • Hydration
  • Lighting
  • Safety Glasses
  • Hardhats
  • Face Shields
  • Masks
  • Respirators

Brands We Carry

Daylight LED Worklight

Electrical Necessities

Our electrical accessories category caters to all your electrical maintenance tasks. Our product selection is designed to support workers with high-quality, reliable tools to complete jobs easier.

  • Batteries
  • Bulbs
  • Extension Cords
  • Fans
  • Work Lights
  • Portable Lighting
  • Flashlights
  • Meters
  • Testers

Brands We Carry

Woman Choosing Materials in Construction Store

Reasons Why Selection Matters

With a broad range of specific products for various jobs, our MRO product line is built to cover all industries. From True Temper shovels for construction sites to Precision Brand shims for machine adjustments, we provide both common and unique equipment. Don’t waste time running to multiple suppliers for the products you need when you can find them all right here. You’ll likely uncover something you didn’t even realize you needed while walking the aisles of our 32,000 sq. ft. showroom.

We’re Your Headquarters for Quality and Service

Choose Sheinberg Tool Co., Inc. for all your MRO needs and experience the difference that quality, selection, and expert service make. Visit our showroom or contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help keep your operations thriving. Why choose us?

  • Our team boasts years of industry experience and can assist you with knowledgeable insights and recommendations.
  • We have a spacious 32,000 sq. ft. showroom displaying our entire product range.
  • We’re committed to providing competitive prices without compromising on quality.
  • We’ve developed strong vendor relationships that enable us to fulfill special order requests promptly.
  • We’re a locally owned and operated family business that has been serving the community since 1957.

Shop a Broad Selection of Tools